Python Projects

Here are the two main projects I built while learning Python. I built a game similar to Tetris called columns using Pygame to implement the physics and graphical interface of the software. Also worked with Tkinter to develop a ball simulator using various objects and inheritence to create an interesting, interactive simulation.

Columns Game

A game similar to Tetris built using a python library called Pygame. This was used to implement the physics and GUI for the game. In this game you need to match 3 colors in a row to have them disappear and to stay alive. Once all the columns reach the top of the screen, you lose.

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Ball Simulator

I created a fun ball simulator game using the graphical user interface library called Tkinter to practice and learn about object inheritence and module manipulation. In this simulator, the user can create varios types of balls/objects including: the Basic Ball which bounces around the screen as a blue circle; the Floater which is a type of ball that swerves in random directions; the Black Hole which eats up any ball that touches it; the Pulsator which is a type of blackhole that grows when eating and shrinks overtime as it starves; the Hunter which is a type of Pulsator that chases other balls to eat; and the Special Ball which multiplies over time!

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