Java Projects

Here are some of the projects I built while learning Java.


I built the basic minesweeper game where bombs are placed randomly on the field and the player have to find all of them. The player can black out squares that you believe are the bombs. You can check out how I built it on my github page. The link to try out the game is bellow.

Play Game

Asteroids Game

I built the basic asteroids game where you flight around in your spaceship and try to dodge all the asteroids and stay alive. The player can shoot the asteroids and use the hyperspace special ability to survive. You can check out how I built it on my github page. The link to try out the game is bellow.

Play Game


Here I made a fun firwork show to practice object oriented programming as well as utilizing the color and animation to create a color show.

Snowflake Catcher

In this project, I developed a simple program where the player tries to catch the snow by drawing.


In this project, I developed a simple program that is a simulation of organisms moving toward food and eating it.